Professional e-portfolio to comply with requirements of transparency and university accreditation standards

Humanism and Educational Technology Must Coexist

The segmentation of fields of knowledge has led to the fragmentation of language, producing a generation of professional people in­capable of communicating between one branch of knowledge and another and, increas­ingly, between the cultures of science and the humanities. The false dichotomy between formative education in the sciences and the arts requires a radical change […]

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El libro, esa tecnología prodigiosa de la ciencia y el humanismo

Los libros, nos decía Stephen King, en sus «Memorias del arte de escribir», son una magia portátil. Al ser humano de hoy, deslumbrado con las tecnologías del momento, le cuesta trabajo imaginarse el enorme esfuerzo de creación que supuso la invención de esa prodigiosa tecnología que es el lenguaje escrito. Si con Copérnico, Galileo, Kepler […]

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