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The Psychological, Social and Cultural Nature of Education

Let me share with you on the International Day of Education some thoughtful ideas about the psychological, social, and cultural nature of education in a few paragraphs, extending them to education professionals, teachers, mentors and professors. How we should instill in their teaching profession the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that are related to the affective […]

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El fuego de Prometeo y la antorcha del conocimiento

Un día los dogmas que siguen encadenando al ser humano se disolverán frente a una conciencia tan inundada de luz que será capaz de hacerse una con el sol, y esta conciencia arribará a esas playas ideales donde residen la dignidad y libertad humanas. Elisseus Elitis. Discurso de aceptación del Premio Nobel de Literatura 1979 […]

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What Do We Mean for Cross-Cultural Research in Psychology

The main purpose of cross-cultural research in psychology and education is the elaboration of general and specific objectives to the cultures involved without distorting an articulate common goal. Generalizations, very common in social disciplines, must be supported empirically to satisfy the external validity of the conclusion. The advantage of the cross-cultural approach as compared with the single […]

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Pandemics, Leadership, and Social Ethics

This Viewpoint argues that the absence of worldwide social ethics is at the root of our present social, political, and economic crises. More to the point, the current COVID- 19 pandemic is, in part, a consequence of insufficient scientific research, inappropriate education systems, and globally fragile health structures and human services. The COVID-19 pandemic we […]

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«The school teacher should earn more and have better education than the university professor»

This not a standard interview but rather a master class on life and society from the educational, sociological and cultural prism. It’s an hour of conversation with a humanist. Interview by José Luis Jiménez, Diario ABC – Spain Behind his deep and serene tone of voice Miguel Ángel Escotet hides a life dedicated to university education and […]

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Teaching Beyond the Transmission of Knowledge

«Teaching to the test at the expense of teaching to the heart is wrong and reduces education to a very superficial acquisition of knowledge and values. Standardized testing for measuring knowledge, skills and attitudes goes against learning styles and individual differences.» «One of the most important rules of teaching is to preach by example. Are […]

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Affective Competencies That Students Do Not Systematically Learn

All affective variables or domains must be stimulated from the earliest pre-school age. Other­wise it is a very difficult, almost impossible, task for high school and the university. However, at any age, the world of feeling is always open to exploration and individual growth. If this has not been achieved at the previous levels of […]

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