- March 4, 2025
- Academic Administration, AI, Education, Higher Education, University Management
AI offers numerous benefits to education. Universities must address challenges such as data privacy, ethical considerations, and implementation costs. These are crucial aspects that must be carefully managed to ensure AI’s successful and responsible integration in university management. This is a basic checklist covering AI applications to administrative and academic management and enhancing student experience. […]
My 10 Emerging and Future Trends in Higher Education
- January 3, 2025
- AI, AW, Colleges, Educación Superior, Education, Future Trends, Higher Education, Universities
An essential list (English-Spanish) of trends and predictive lines in Higher Education for 2025 and beyond, based on my new book on “Past and Future Social Trends” to be published this coming Summer. MY 10 EMERGING AND FUTURE TRENDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION.1. Learning from everywhere and at any time.2. Will not be time to study […]
Learning for Today and Beyond Tomorrow
- August 13, 2024
- AI, Digital Education, EdTech, Educational Philosophy, Innovation, Learning, Lifelong Learning, Psychology
We are at the very early stage of a significant learning revolution. AI is just the beginning of it, and we are responsible for giving future generations a much better world than what we have today. However, technology artifacts such as AI are only instrumental toys for the human playground. Our human brain and our […]
And the plow passed
- July 31, 2023
- AI, Education, Emotional Intelligence, Future, Graduation, Higher Education, Pandemics, Student
A message to the students of the Class of 2023, wherever they are, the Class of the Pandemic (2019-2023). At the beginning of the sowing, we prepared the land, the seeds, and the plow. This sowing was expected to remain the same as the previous ones. This cohort of students reaching the end of their […]
Humanism and Educational Technology Must Coexist
- June 24, 2023
- AI, EdTech, Education, Educational Theory, Humanism, Learning, Liberal Arts, Philosophy, science, Technology
The segmentation of fields of knowledge has led to the fragmentation of language, producing a generation of professional people incapable of communicating between one branch of knowledge and another and, increasingly, between the cultures of science and the humanities. The false dichotomy between formative education in the sciences and the arts requires a radical change […]
El libro, esa tecnología prodigiosa de la ciencia y el humanismo
- June 13, 2023
- AI, Ciencia, Ética, Filosofía de la Ciencia, Humanismo, Lectura, Libro, Psicología, Tecnologia
Los libros, nos decía Stephen King, en sus «Memorias del arte de escribir», son una magia portátil. Al ser humano de hoy, deslumbrado con las tecnologías del momento, le cuesta trabajo imaginarse el enorme esfuerzo de creación que supuso la invención de esa prodigiosa tecnología que es el lenguaje escrito. Si con Copérnico, Galileo, Kepler […]