Professional e-portfolio to comply with requirements of transparency and university accreditation standards

The Aesthetic Dimension of Education and Learning

Aesthetic education stimulates the development of fantasy or imagination, which is the basis of all artistic or scientific creativity. It also fosters the development of an overall view and the anticipation of an outcome, the use of logic, and the various forms of human communication. Science and art, as dimensions of creative thought, are not […]

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University change is inevitable. Progress and innovation is a choice

The future of universities is closely linked to their capacity to change and innovate and their internal coexistence. To remain in the same place, you must keep moving; otherwise, you will get left behind. However, higher education has shifted many times to and from positions based on individuals who learn and advance to corporate structures that […]

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Humanism and Educational Technology Must Coexist

The segmentation of fields of knowledge has led to the fragmentation of language, producing a generation of professional people in­capable of communicating between one branch of knowledge and another and, increas­ingly, between the cultures of science and the humanities. The false dichotomy between formative education in the sciences and the arts requires a radical change […]

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Utopian and Strategic Planning for Development and Change

The purely expansionist ‘realistic’ strategic planning model typifies today’s society and causes an anti-climax in planning, turning it into a simple matter of forecasting, systematic organization, and the subordination of desirable human goals to foreseeable economic development. Does strategic planning make all the right moves?   The concept of development has been used in economics, […]

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La fragmentación de los saberes: ¿puede la ciencia ignorar a las humanidades?

Uno de los pioneros de la computación, Konrad Zuse, dijo una vez que “el peligro de que los ordenadores se vuelvan semejantes al ser humano no es tan grande como el peligro de que el ser humano se convierta en un ordenador.” (Hersfelder Zeitung, 12 de Septiembre de 2005). El temor a la persona máquina, […]

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Affective Competencies That Students Do Not Systematically Learn

All affective variables or domains must be stimulated from the earliest pre-school age. Other­wise it is a very difficult, almost impossible, task for high school and the university. However, at any age, the world of feeling is always open to exploration and individual growth. If this has not been achieved at the previous levels of […]

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