- December 29, 2023
- Essay, Humanities, Philosopy of Science, Psychology, science, Social Ethics, Social Philosophy
One of the pioneers of computing, Konrad Zuse, once said that “the danger of computers becoming human-like is not as great as the danger of humans becoming a computer.” (Hersfelder Zeitung, September 12, 2005). The fear of the machine person, of the person naked of feelings, pains, joys, and passions, has arisen several times in […]
Distance Higher Education and Academic Socialization
- September 10, 2023
- Distance Education, Education, Educational Philosophy, Higher Education, Online Ed, Open Learning
Rereading some of my works from decades ago, I read with anguish that the world has changed, not universities or education. We have replaced the blackboard and chalk with LCD screens, PowerPoint presentations, virtual toys, or sophisticated ways to plagiarize with ChatGPT. We make assumptions with Artificial Intelligence, but genuine education, with valuable exceptions, remains […]
And the plow passed
- July 31, 2023
- AI, Education, Emotional Intelligence, Future, Graduation, Higher Education, Pandemics, Student
A message to the students of the Class of 2023, wherever they are, the Class of the Pandemic (2019-2023). At the beginning of the sowing, we prepared the land, the seeds, and the plow. This sowing was expected to remain the same as the previous ones. This cohort of students reaching the end of their […]
Humanism and Educational Technology Must Coexist
- June 24, 2023
- AI, EdTech, Education, Educational Theory, Humanism, Learning, Liberal Arts, Philosophy, science, Technology
The segmentation of fields of knowledge has led to the fragmentation of language, producing a generation of professional people incapable of communicating between one branch of knowledge and another and, increasingly, between the cultures of science and the humanities. The false dichotomy between formative education in the sciences and the arts requires a radical change […]
The Academic and Administrative Ethnocentrism of the Contemporary University
- April 12, 2023
- Education, Ethics, Faculty, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, Staff, Student, University Culture
Much of the crisis in the quality of university education has this dichotomy as its background: the crisis of the relationship between the person who teaches and the person who learns. A university where professors and students must foremost be lifelong learners; and where the study programs are designed, modified, and transmitted daily based on […]
Learning Forever: Deconstructing Current Education
- March 1, 2023
- distance learning, EdTech, Educational Philosophy, Learning, Lifelong Learning, Psychology
The education system will rediscover its true role of serving the individual, helping to educate people in mastering cognitive skills and the ability to think, developing a critical awareness of reality, developing affective domains, and cooperating with others around them. Information will no longer take pride of place in this system since it can be […]
Innovation for Change in Higher Education Management
- January 19, 2023
- Development, Higher Education, HigherEd Management, Institutional Change, Strategic Planning
The development of universities and the intermittent reforms that they undergo are a reflection of the whims of their leaders, although these may sometimes result in appropriate decisions being taken. Reforms and counter-reforms are almost always the results of the appointment of a new president or rector, provost or dean, and not of a consistent […]
Issues Comparing Classroom and Online Education
- December 12, 2022
- distance learning, e-Learning, EdTech, Education, Educational Philosophy, Online Ed, open education
Open education consists of the reason and essence for education, as it would be inadequate to contrast the term open education with closed education. It would be impossible to understand any type of closed education. The concept of open education embraces all types of true education and guides it in four directions: open to all populations, […]
My Teaching Philosophy: An Intimate Reflection
- April 16, 2022
- Educational Philosophy, Essay, Ethics, Higher Education, Psychology, Social Philosophy
Education should prepare the human being for ongoing change and for the eventual crisis that might arise as a result of the transition. I believe the aim of education should be to build in each student strong theoretical foundations, to help future teachers to be educated rather than trained, to be capable of understanding the […]
The Psychological, Social and Cultural Nature of Education
- January 24, 2022
- Education, Educational Philosophy, Emotional Intelligence, Intercultural, Learning, Psychology, Social Skills
Let me share with you on the International Day of Education some thoughtful ideas about the psychological, social, and cultural nature of education in a few paragraphs, extending them to education professionals, teachers, mentors and professors. How we should instill in their teaching profession the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that are related to the affective […]