- March 1, 2023
- distance learning, EdTech, Educational Philosophy, Learning, Lifelong Learning, Psychology
The education system will rediscover its true role of serving the individual, helping to educate people in mastering cognitive skills and the ability to think, developing a critical awareness of reality, developing affective domains, and cooperating with others around them. Information will no longer take pride of place in this system since it can be […]
To Have or To Be? A brief interview with Erich Fromm
- November 24, 2022
- Interviews, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Social Philosophy, Social Psychology, Sociology, Video
In this short interview (6’23” with Spanish subtitles) from the BBC TV The Book Programme in 1976, Erich Fromm is asked some questions with regards to his book To Have or To Be?, originally published in the World Perspectives book series of Harper & Row publishing firm, in 1976. The full interview in English (22’33”) with […]
Investigación, estadística y el estudio del comportamiento
- May 20, 2022
- Aprendizaje, Estadística, Intercultural, Investigación, Metodología, Métodos cualitativos, Psychology
En las mediciones de KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) conocidos como indicadores claves de actuación se ha abusado de los indicadores cuantitativos en detrimento del análisis y consecuencias de las conductas internas que deben requerir técnicas cualitativas de análisis de datos, siempre que se midan actuaciones de comportamientos humanos. Una ley de comportamiento no solamente se […]
My Teaching Philosophy: An Intimate Reflection
- April 16, 2022
- Educational Philosophy, Essay, Ethics, Higher Education, Psychology, Social Philosophy
Education should prepare the human being for ongoing change and for the eventual crisis that might arise as a result of the transition. I believe the aim of education should be to build in each student strong theoretical foundations, to help future teachers to be educated rather than trained, to be capable of understanding the […]
The Psychological, Social and Cultural Nature of Education
- January 24, 2022
- Education, Educational Philosophy, Emotional Intelligence, Intercultural, Learning, Psychology, Social Skills
Let me share with you on the International Day of Education some thoughtful ideas about the psychological, social, and cultural nature of education in a few paragraphs, extending them to education professionals, teachers, mentors and professors. How we should instill in their teaching profession the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that are related to the affective […]
El fuego de Prometeo y la antorcha del conocimiento
- September 23, 2021
- Cambio social, Educación, Education, Ensayo, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, Psychology, Universidad
Un día los dogmas que siguen encadenando al ser humano se disolverán frente a una conciencia tan inundada de luz que será capaz de hacerse una con el sol, y esta conciencia arribará a esas playas ideales donde residen la dignidad y libertad humanas. Elisseus Elitis. Discurso de aceptación del Premio Nobel de Literatura 1979 […]
A Reflection on Aesthetic Thinking
- May 11, 2021
- Aesthetics, Art, Education, Educational Philosophy, Essay, Ethics, Humanities, Psychology, Social Philosophy
We do not want for art to remain a forbidden garden for a fortunate few, because we know that the absence of art in our lives dims our creative and cognitive abilities, and silences the voice of our souls. Both, sciences and arts, are creative dimensions for human development, change and innovation. As professionals of […]
What Do We Mean for Cross-Cultural Research in Psychology
- March 27, 2021
- Anthropology, Education, Intercultural, Neuroscience, Psychology, Research Methodology
The main purpose of cross-cultural research in psychology and education is the elaboration of general and specific objectives to the cultures involved without distorting an articulate common goal. Generalizations, very common in social disciplines, must be supported empirically to satisfy the external validity of the conclusion. The advantage of the cross-cultural approach as compared with the single […]
Pandemics, Leadership, and Social Ethics
- October 10, 2020
- Economics, Education, Ethics, Health, Pandemics, Politics, Psychology, Sciences, Social Philosophy
This Viewpoint argues that the absence of worldwide social ethics is at the root of our present social, political, and economic crises. More to the point, the current COVID- 19 pandemic is, in part, a consequence of insufficient scientific research, inappropriate education systems, and globally fragile health structures and human services. The COVID-19 pandemic we […]
A Need to Educate for Uncertainty
- August 7, 2020
- Education, Educational Philosophy, Higher Education, Interviews, Psychology, University
Miguel A. Escotet: «Today there is a need to educate for uncertainty» An Interview with Gena Borrajo, Eduga Journal, Spain. Presently, he is the president of Afundación and IESIDE in Spain. Also, he is an emeritus professor and former Dean of the UTRGV College of Education at the University of Texas. Miguel Angel Escotet has conducted in-depth […]