Professional e-portfolio to comply with requirements of transparency and university accreditation standards

The Aesthetic Dimension of Education and Learning

Aesthetic education stimulates the development of fantasy or imagination, which is the basis of all artistic or scientific creativity. It also fosters the development of an overall view and the anticipation of an outcome, the use of logic, and the various forms of human communication. Science and art, as dimensions of creative thought, are not […]

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Transparency and Social Regulation in Higher Education

Universities must be accountable, yes, but to whom? Whether public or private, universities cannot be exempt from regulation, but it should come in the form of self-assessment and a duty to society, not politics. The most radical critics suggest that the best law on university action is one that refers to an institution’s mission and […]

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The Left and Right Political Ideologies and Human Development

It is imperative to move beyond Left and Right political labels, as Giddens (1994) pointed out thirty years ago. To base the political division of the world’s future on ideological standpoints of left or right is senseless. From the left, right, or in the name of God, human history shows the horror of political atrocities against […]

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The Academic and Administrative Ethnocentrism of the Contemporary University

Much of the crisis in the quality of university education has this dichotomy as its background: the crisis of the relationship between the person who teaches and the person who learns. A university where professors and students must foremost be lifelong learners; and where the study programs are designed, modified, and transmitted daily based on […]

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Pandemics, Leadership, and Social Ethics

This Viewpoint argues that the absence of worldwide social ethics is at the root of our present social, political, and economic crises. More to the point, the current COVID- 19 pandemic is, in part, a consequence of insufficient scientific research, inappropriate education systems, and globally fragile health structures and human services. The COVID-19 pandemic we […]

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