Professional e-portfolio to comply with requirements of transparency and university accreditation standards

From Terminal Degrees In Higher Education To Lifelong Learning

The most relevant and controversial issue facing the university is one of its «raisons d’être»: formation, the teaching-learning process. The English word ‘formation’ – among other meanings – indicates ‘the act or process of forming’ or ‘the shaping or developing of something’. The word ‘formative’ means ‘having influence in forming or developing’. Similarly, I use the term […]

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Balance Between Aesthetics, Science and Ethics in Education

The most relevant and controversial issue facing the university is one of its raisons d’être: formation, the teaching-learning process. The English word ‘formation’ – among other meanings – indicates ‘the act or process of forming’ or ‘the shaping or developing of something’. The word ‘formative’ means ‘having influence in forming or developing’. Similarly, I use the […]

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Early learned-centered education

Throughout its history the university has been in a constant state of crisis, in response to which successive reforms and counter-reforms have taken place. However, the evolution of the university has been limited to its structures, systems of government and administration and greater diversity of fields of learning, teaching methods and course contents: the «academic […]

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