- April 16, 2022
- Educational Philosophy, Essay, Ethics, Higher Education, Psychology, Social Philosophy
Education should prepare the human being for ongoing change and for the eventual crisis that might arise as a result of the transition. I believe the aim of education should be to build in each student strong theoretical foundations, to help future teachers to be educated rather than trained, to be capable of understanding the […]
Corporate Management Is An Unfit Model for Education
- December 20, 2021
- Accountability, EdTech, Education, Educational Philosophy, Higher Education, HigherEd Management
Among all the social forces that are intervening in the development of the education systems is the productive sector of the economy, which has a direct impact on the labor market. However, this sector has failed to forecast the type of jobs and professions that it will need in the medium and long-term (and many […]
Is Higher Education Centered on the Student or the Faculty?
- November 9, 2021
- Education, Educational Philosophy, Higher Education, HigherEd Theory & Praxis, University Policy
The backdrop to many university crises has been precisely these dichotomies: the crisis of the relationship between the individual who teaches and the individual who learns, between the member of the ‘academic ethos’ and the member of the ‘social ethos’ and also between the individual who teaches and the one who administers. The academic ethos […]
El fuego de Prometeo y la antorcha del conocimiento
- September 23, 2021
- Cambio social, Educación, Education, Ensayo, Higher Education, Lifelong Learning, Psychology, Universidad
Un día los dogmas que siguen encadenando al ser humano se disolverán frente a una conciencia tan inundada de luz que será capaz de hacerse una con el sol, y esta conciencia arribará a esas playas ideales donde residen la dignidad y libertad humanas. Elisseus Elitis. Discurso de aceptación del Premio Nobel de Literatura 1979 […]
Lifelong Learners
- July 19, 2021
- Education, Educational Philosophy, Higher Education, Learning, Lifelong Learning, Social Philosophy, University
«In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.» Recently, in the context of an education conference, I referenced a passage from the beautiful and profound story of Alice in Wonderland. One of the characters of […]
Cambio, innovación y evaluación en la cultura universitaria
- November 28, 2020
- Accountability, Auto-evaluación, Cambio social, Educación Superior, Education, Evaluación, Higher Education, Universidad
“Lo único constante es el cambio”, Heráclito de Efeso Los cambios son difíciles de producir si no existen los recursos financieros y tecnológicos, pero se adhieren obstáculos a ellos, cuando no existe la voluntad o cuando el pesimismo se adelanta a la acción, o cuando se producen cambios que responden más al capricho o la […]
What Is The Purpose of Higher Education: Knowledge or Utility?
What is the purpose of higher education – knowledge or utility? Such a question encourages a false dichotomy since both are needed for people’s genuine education; never one at the expense of the other. Higher education institutions, primarily universities, must have a two-pronged approach in the search for knowledge, to develop the highest degree of […]
A Need to Educate for Uncertainty
- August 7, 2020
- Education, Educational Philosophy, Higher Education, Interviews, Psychology, University
Miguel A. Escotet: «Today there is a need to educate for uncertainty» An Interview with Gena Borrajo, Eduga Journal, Spain. Presently, he is the president of Afundación and IESIDE in Spain. Also, he is an emeritus professor and former Dean of the UTRGV College of Education at the University of Texas. Miguel Angel Escotet has conducted in-depth […]
Asignaturas pendientes de las universidades: innovación y cambio
- June 21, 2019
- Cambio social, Educación, Educación Superior, Education, Higher Education, Innovación, Política Universitaria, Universidad
“Al estudiante se le ha estado formando para un mundo inmutable y predecible a pesar de que el corazón y el cerebro intuían cambios profundos y enormes agujeros negros“. El punto de partida de cualquier cambio debe dirigirse a la búsqueda y establecimiento de nuevos objetivos que definan la clase de valores que puedan armonizar […]
Teaching Beyond the Transmission of Knowledge
- September 1, 2018
- Education, Educational Philosophy, Higher Education, Learning, Psychology, Social Philosophy
«Teaching to the test at the expense of teaching to the heart is wrong and reduces education to a very superficial acquisition of knowledge and values. Standardized testing for measuring knowledge, skills and attitudes goes against learning styles and individual differences.» «One of the most important rules of teaching is to preach by example. Are […]