Presentations & Research Reports
Attended as a keynote speaker to many international conventions and professional meetings, and gave more than 250 research papers, presentations and lectures at conferences and seminars. On the right side of this page you can watch some available videos.The following is a selection of some relevant presentations given in the U.S. and at international conferences.
- (2023) «Ítaca o las patrias interinas: Una reflexión sobre el aprendizaje, la nostalgia y las identidades líquidas en el contexto migratorio». Conferencia Inaugural del II Congreso Internacional de Centros de Castilla y León en el Exterior. Universidad de Salamanca, Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca, 13 de ocrubre.
- (2023) Y pasó el arado. Keynote speech at the Graduation Ceremony of UIE. Vigo, Spain, July 14.
- (2022) Panel Experto sobre el Informe de la UNESCO, «Los Futuros de la educación: Reimaginar juntos nuestros futuros». IX Jornadas Nacionales de Docencia e Investigación en Educación Comparada, organizadas por la Sociedad Española de Educación Comparada. Universidad de Valencia, Spain, November 11.
- (2022) El Decálogo del cambio en el futuro inmediato de la universidad. Jornadas Internacionales de Investigación, Educación y Tecnología. Universidad de Puerto Rico, Centro para la Investigación Graduada, Rio Piedras, October 20.
- (2021) Las políticas universitarias para una educación a lo largo de la vida. Plenary Conference at the XVII National Congress and IX Iberoamerican Congress of Pedagogy, and the World Educational Research Association Focal Meeting. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago, Spain, July 9.
- (2019) El fuego de Prometeo y la antorcha del conocimiento. Keynote speech at the Graduation Ceremony of IESIDE. Vigo, Spain, July 5.
- (2016) El aprendizaje servicio y el futuro de la educación superior en sus dimensiones éticas y estéticas. II International Congress on Service-Learning in Higher Education. Santiago, Spain, October 14.
- (2015) Cosmopolitismo y Universidad. XIII International Conference of Philosophy. Santiago, Spain, October 8.
- (2015) Self-Regulated Evaluation and Continuous Change in the University. XXI General Assembly of Compostela International Group of Universities. University of Santiago, Spain, December 26.
- (2015) Desafíos de la Universidad frente a la incertidumbre. Universidade Senior of the Universidade da Coruña. A Coruña, Spain, March 26.
- (2014) The affective components of higher education teaching. IV International Forum of Higher Education. San José, Costa Rica, December 16.
- (2012) Universities must be accountable, yes, but to whom? The Guardian Higher Education. London, December 10.
- (2012) Internationalizing in the age of planetary. Chair and presenter at the Comparative and International Education Society, 56th Annual Meeting. San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 24.
- (2012) The contribution of UNESCO chairs in defining the higher education space in Latin America, the Caribbean, and beyond. Comparative and International Education Society, 56th Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 23.
- (2011) Anticipando las transformaciones educativas por medio de las tecnología que se están desarrollando. University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, July 8th.
- (2010) La misión de las universidades latinoamericanas en el desarrollo de la investigación científica y tecnológica. Invited Closing Keynote del II Foro Internacional para la innovación universitaria, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, November 12th.
- (2009) Las asignaturas pendientes de las universidades latinoamericanas: innovación y cambio. Invited Closing Keynote del I Foro Internacional para la innovación universitaria, Santiago, Chile, June 27th.
- (2008) La Universidad en el Siglo de la Incertidumbre y en una Epoca de Transición. Keynote Presentation for Deusto TV at the University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain, July 14th.
- (2008) Joining Forces to Combat Inequality and Injustice. Invited presenter and discussant with Robert Arnove by CIES UREAG Village Dialogue, 52nd CIES Conference, Teachers College at Columbia University, New York, March 19th.
- (2007) Innovation Challenges on Higher Education. Invited Keynote Presentation, University of Chile and University Austral, Santiago, Chile, July 23-27.
- (2007) Styles of Higher Education Administration. Open Forum Invited Speaker, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, February 6.
- (2006) Developing Models for Working Together: Planning and Developing e-Learning Inter-university Programs. World Wide Conference in Adult and Online Learning, Denver, Colorado, November 1-3.
- (2005) Accreditation and Financing of Higher Education. Invited Keynote Presentation, II International Barcelona Conference on Higher Education, November 30.
- (2005) Universidad siglo XXI: la universidad que queremos. Invited conference, AUSJAL Encuentro Interuniversitario, University of Comillas, Madrid, Spain, September 23.
- (2005) La universidad en el siglo de la incertidumbre y en una época de transición. Invited Paper, Catalonian Polytechnical University Colloquium, Barcelona, Spain, March 10.
- (2005) Los desafíos de la universidad frente a la revolución del conocimiento: creación y formación centradas en el sujeto que aprende. Inaugural Address, Iberoamerican Congress on Postgraduate Education in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, University of Salamanca, Spain, May 30.
- (2004) Presentación de Leithwood sobre el Liderazgo Educacional Transformador en un Mundo de Políticas Transaccionales, IV International Congress on School Management, Bilbao, Spain, September 15.
- (2004) Contemporary Forms of University Government and Administration: Historical Vision and Perspective. Centro di studi universitari e francescani oggi. Rome, Pontificio Ateneo Antonianum, May 26-28.
- (2004) Globalization and Higher Education, Inaugural Address, III Symposium Iberoamericano de Docencia Universitaria, Bilbao, Spain, May 21.
- (2003) Desafíos de la Educación Superior en una Era de Cambios, Invitational Conference, I Coloquio Internacional de Educación Superior, Mexico, November 28.
- (2003) Quality and Innovation in Higher Education, Invited Speaker, World Forum on Reform and Innovation in Higher Education, UNESCO, Paris, September 26.
- (2002) Transformación de la Educación Superior, requerimientos imprescindibles
- para contribuir adecuadamente con el desarrollo integral de la sociedad, XXX Reunión de GULERPE, Cumaná, Venezuela, Mayo.
- (2002) Keynote Speech, Openning Academic Year, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras, March 14.
- (2002) The Social Responsibility of Intellectuals and Researchers in Comparative Education. Conferencia en la Reunión Anual, Comparative and International Education Society, Orlando, Florida, March 9.
- (2001) The New CIES Website: A Tool for Professional Development and Scholarly Cooperation. Presented at the Comparative and International Education Society, Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., March 14-17. (Conference)
- (2000) Future Trends in Higher Education. Invited Keynote Speaker for the Inauguration of Universidad de Extremadura. Summer Scientific Summit, Convent of Yuste, Cáceres, Spain, July.
- (2000) La universidad como objeto de investigación: evaluación, auto-evaluación y cambio en la cultura universitaria. Invited Keynote Speaker for the International Conference on Institutional Research. Summer Scientific Summit, University of Puerto Rico, Cayey, September.
- (2000) Future Trends in Higher Education. Invited Keynote Speaker for the Inauguration of Universidad de Extremadura. Summer Scientific Summit, Convent of Yuste, Cáceres, Spain, July.
- (2000) University curriculum: A comparative analysis between Europe and US. Invited Speaker and Discussant, University of Puerto Rico, June.
- (2000) Quality of World Higher Education: issues, problems and challenges. Invited Speaker and Discussant, Conference on Higher Education, Paris, UNESCO, April.
- (2000) The Use and Misuse of Communication Technology in International Education: Increasing or Reducing Quality? Presented at the Comparative and International Education Society, Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, March 8-12. (Presenter and Symposium Chair)
- (2000) Nuevas tendencias de la educación superior. Keynote Speech at Universidad de Oviedo, Spain, January.
- (1999) Conocimiento y uso de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación en educación superior. Invited Speaker, Asociacion de Universidades Confiadas a la Compania de Jesus en America Latina (AUSJAL), Inter-American Jesuit Distance Education Network (JNET) Meeting, December.
- (1999) Calidad, Acreditación y evaluación de la universidad. Invited Speaker at the International Conference in Administration and Accreditation of Higher Education, Bogota, Colombia, Universidad de los Andes, November, 1999.
- (1999) Uso y abuso de la Internet en la educación superior. Invited keynote lecturer for the closing ceremony of History and Future of the University International Conference, Unesco Chair, Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 1999.
- (1999) The Economic and Political Implications on Education in the Former Soviet Union: A Historical Research. European Seminar on Eastern European Education and Social Change during the XX Century. Geneva, Switzerland, OIE, March.
- (1999) Micro-Planning in Educational Development (A power-point presentation). International Institute of Educational Planning. Paris, February.
- (1999) El curriculum universitario en una era de cambios. Invited Lecturer to the International Chair on Higher Education at the Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá. February.
- (1998) Calidad y evaluación de la universidad. Invited keynote lecturer for the closing ceremony of History and Future of the University International Conference, Unesco Chair, Buenos Aires, December 9.
- (1998) Quality of Higher Education: problems and challenges. Invited Speaker and Discussant, World Conference on Higher Education, Paris, UNESCO, October 5-9.
- (1998) La gobernabilidad de la universidad ¿autoritarismo o participación?. Keynote speaker, Regional Conference of GULERPE, University of Moron, August 10.
- (1998) La Universidad como objeto de investigación: razones históricas y filosóficas. Invited Speaker, Consejo de Rectores de Universidades Privadas, Buenos Aires, June 25-26.
- (1998) Higher Education and Sustainable Development. Presented at the Comparative and International Education Society, Annual Meeting, Buffalo, New York, March 16-April 21.
- (1997) Cultura de la evaluación y el cambio en relación con la explosión del conocimiento. Keynote Speaker, Universidad de Jujuy, November 24.
- (1997) La diversidad en la educación norteamericana. Keynote Speaker, Jornada de Reflexión del School Board of Catalonia, Tortosa, Spain, October 25.
- (1997) Evaluación de los componentes afectivos y éticos de la formación médica en una era de cambio. Invited Speaker, XV Panamerican Conference on Medical Education, October 10.
- (1997) Evaluación institucional y cambio de la cultura universitaria. Invited Speaker to the First National Conference on Evaluation and Accreditation of Argentinean Higher Education, Ministry of Education, April 23.
- (1997) Trends in Higher Education: A Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Countries. Invited Speaker, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, April 3.
- (1996) Knowledge and Use of New Communication and Information Technologies in Higher Education. Invited keynote speaker at the UNESCO Regional Conference on Higher Education, November 18-22.
- (1996) Evaluación Institucional Universitaria: Modelos Internacionales y Técnicas. Invited keynote speach at the International Seminar on Higher Education, Consejo Nacional de Universidades. Managua, Nicaragua, September 15-19.
- (1995) A Teacher Centered University Education: Is the Core University Culture Different between Developed and Developing Countries. Presented at the Comparative and International Education Society, Annual Meeting, Boston, March 29-April 22.
- (1994) Formative University Education to Face the Knowledge Outburst. Presented at the Executive Committee Meeting of I.A.U.P., Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 7. (Also, in press in Spanish language-Cross reference)
- (1994) El Curriculum universitario en una era de cambios. Keynote speech at the National University Seminar on Higher Education, Universidad Centroamericana, Managua, Nicaragua, April.
- (1993) University beyond itself: Open for all winds to blow in. Presented at the X Triennial Conference of the International Association of University Presidents, Nakamachi, Minatojima, Japan, July 11-14.
- (1993) La educación superior para el siglo XXI. Keynote speech on behalf of UNESCO?s Director General at the Central American Congress on University Development. Managua, Nicaragua, May.
- (1992) El futuro de la universidad: propuestas de solución. Presented at the Congreso Internacional de Universidades 1992 – V Centenario, Universidad Complutense y Universidad Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, July 13-16.
- (1992) Educación y aprendizaje. Invited speaker at the 16th. International Book Fair, International Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April.
- (1992) Post-graduate training in education for the book industry. Presented to the International Seminar of the Association of Bookseller and Publisher Training Organisations in Europe, Book House Training Centre, London, England, January 16-17.
- (1991) The Transfer of Technology. Presented at the International Conference of Financing Science and Infrastructure, Budapest, Hungary, November.
- (1991) Democratic Development and Fraternity as the Ethical Bases for World Politics. Presented at the International Conference: Helsinky 2000 – The Human Dimension of World Politics. Moscow, Russia, September 3-10.
- (1991) Education and Development. Invited lecturer at the Universidad Estaudal Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil, August 7-9.
- (1991) La universidad ante el desarrollo sustentable. Invited paper at the Seminario Universitario para la Conferencia de Naciones Unidas sobre Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, July 29-31.
- (1991) La universidad frente al nuevo siglo. Invited lecturer at the Universidad de Palermo, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 10.
- (1991) Capital cultural y educación: saber popular y saber cientifico-técnico. Presented at the Encuentro Internacional de Educación, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 11.
- (1990) Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for institutional evaluation. Presented at the 12th Annual Forum of The European Association for Institutional Research. Lyon, France, September 9-12.
- (1990) Cooperacion interuniversitaria Europa-América Latina. Presented at the IX Triennial Conference of the International Association of University Presidents, University of Valladolid, Spain, July 8-14.
- (1990) La educación superior latinoamericana en el umbral del siglo XXI. Presented at the XVI GULERPE International Meeting, Universidad de Oriente, Cumaná, Venezuela, June 3-6.
- (1990) Medios de comunicacion e innovación educativa. Presented at the I Congress on Sociedad y Periodismo Electrónico. Universidad Pontificia, Salamanca, Spain, April 24-27.
- (1990) Nuevas tecnologías en la educación: radio, T.V. e informática. Invited Speaker at the 14th International Book Fair, International Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 17.
- (1990) Fragmentation of the Artificial Paradigm of Planning vs. Market and International Solidarity. Presented at International Congress on Communication and Media – Novosti and III Summit Council for World Peace, Moscow, April 9-13.
- (1990) La educación de postgrado: sistemas y especialidades. Invited lecturer at the Universidad de Valladolid, Colegio Mayor María de Molina, March 1.
- (1989) Cambio educativo para todos. Presented at the Congreso Latinoamericano de Ministros de Educación, Economía y Planificación of UNESCO, Regional Meeting of the World Conference on Education for All, Quito, Ecuador, November 28-December 1.
- (1989) Educación y comunicación. Conference at the International Congress on Systems and Communication Media for Development, Sociedad Española de Sistemas Generales, Madrid, Spain, November 20-25.
- (1989) Evaluación de la universidad y calidad docente. Invited lecturer at the Universidad de Verano del País Vasco, San Sebastian, Spain, September 4.
- (1989) La tecnología de la educación: ¿para qué?, Invited lecturer at the Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, July 7.
- (1989) Cross-cultural Research Methodology in Education. Presented at the XVIII Convention of the National Association of Bilingual Education, Miami, Florida, May 8-13.
- (1988) A Cooperative Graduate Education System. Invited lecturer at the University of Bologna during Ceremonies of the 900th Anniversary of the University, Bologna, Italy, September 17.
- (1988) Systems of Interuniversity Cooperation. Invited paper to The United Nations University, Tokyo, Japan, September 9.
- (1988) Las relaciones españolas y China continental y Taiwan: un enfoque multicultural. Invited Speaker by the Institute of International Relations of Taiwan at the International Seminar of European and Chinese Relations, Taipei, Taiwan, September 2-7
- (1988) Educational Planning and Development. Keynote speech at the International Congress of Sociology of Education of the International Sociology Association (ISA), Salamanca, Spain, August 23.
- (1988) Educación y desarrollo socio-económico en América Latina. Presented at the Primer Simposio Internacional sobre América Latina en la República de China, Universidad de Tamkang, Tamshui, January 17-18.
- (1987) Sistemas para la cooperación universitaria de postgrado. Invited lecturer at the Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, October 28.
- (1987) Education and Development if Latin America. Speech accepting the degree of Professor and Doctor ?Honorees Cause? by the Universidade Federal de Maranao, San Luis, Brazil, October 21.
- (1987) Multilateralismo y hegemonía. Opening Conference of the World Federation of Unesco Associations. Madrid, Spain, July 20-21.
- (1987) Education from a Cross-Cultural Perspective. Presented at the III Seminar on Comparative and Multicultural Education, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, July 9-15.
- (1987) La UIP: Un sistema de cooperación interinstitucional. Presented at the VIII Triennial Conference of the International Association of University Presidents, Guadalajara, Mexico, June 21-27.
- (1987) The Education to Face Socioeconomic Development in Latin America. Invited Speaker at LACC Colloquium, Florida International University, Miami, Florida, May 12.
- (1987) Planificación cuantitativa y cualitativa de la educación. Presented at the 6th Regional Conference of Ministers of Education and Ministers of Economics and Planning-MINEDLAC, United Nations and CEPAL, Bogotá, Colombia, March 30-April 4.
- (1986) La informática en la educación. Keynote speech at the III Simposium Internacional sobre Informática y Educación, Montevideo, Uruguay, November 10-14.
- (1986) Development Models and Educational Planning. Presented at the Latin American Studies Program of the Tamkang University, Taiwan, August 20.
- (1986) Medios de comunicación y educación. Presented at the I Seminario Iberoamericano sobre Educación y Comunicación, Salamanca, Spain, May 23.
- (1985) Iberoamerica: una misma civilización. Presented at the 61th. Iberoamerican Meeting of the OEI, Panama City, Panama, December 2-4.
- (1985) La UNESCO ante la OEI. Presented at the 23th General Conference of UNESCO, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 8.
- (1985) Planificación económica, social y educativa: educación e igualdad de oportunidades. Presented at the 9th International Congress of the World Association for Educational Research, Madrid, Spain, July 8-12. (Published in the Proceedings of the Congress)
- (1985) Educación, ciencia y cultura para América Latina. Keynote speech at the I Congreso Extraordinario Iberoamericano de Educación (Attended by all Ministers of Education of Latin America, Ecuatorial Guinea, Spain, Portugal and secretaries of UNESCO, OAS, SECAB, OEI, UNICEF, PNUD, World Bank and Interamerican Bank of Development) Bogotá, Colombia, May 27-29.
- (1985) Education and Socio-Economic Development. Keynote speech at the I Encuentro de Expresidentes Constitucionales Iberoamericanos (Former Presidents of countries of Latin America, Spain and Portugal), Guadalupe, Spain, April 20-26.
- (1985) Posibilidades y riesgos de la transferencia de tecnología en educación: el caso de América Latina. (Closing Conference), Proceedings of the V International Convention on Television and Education. Barcelona, Spain, 46-49.
- (1984) La Educación permanente como base de la filosofía de la educación de adultos. Presented at the I Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Educación de Adultos, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, Spain, November 19-23.
- (1984) Perspectivas de la educación. Closing Conference at the I Congreso Nacional de Orientación Educativa, Bogotá, Colombia, October 4.
- (1984) La Educación en Iberoamérica. Invited lecturer at the Universidad Libre, Bogotá, Colombia, October 2.
- (1984) Inspección educativa y evaluación. Keynote speach at the I Encuentro Iberoamericano de Supervisores de Enseñanza Básica. Madrid, Spain, July 16-20.
- (1984) Desarrollo social y educación especial en Iberoamerica. Presented at the III International Congress of Special Education of the European Association of Special Education (EASE), Madrid, Spain, April 25-27.
- (1984) Desarrollo socio-económico y educación en Iberoamérica. Invited lecturer at the Universidad de León, Spain, January 29.
- (1983) Educación Permanente y Educación Internacional. Presented at the Primeras Jornadas de Educación de Adultos, Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza y Diputación Provincial, Zaragoza, Spain, November 3.
- (1983) Education and Change. Keynote speech at the V Iberoamerican Congress of Ministers of Education. Lima, Perú. September 5-7.
- (1983) Costo y financiamiento de la educación superior. Presented at the XI Meeting of GULERPE, Universidad Simón Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela, February 22-25.
- (1982) Perspectiva de la educación superior en América Latina. Invited lecturer at the Universidad de Moron, Argentina, October 11.
- (1982) La interdisciplinariedad entre ciencias y humanidades. Presented at the X GULERPE Meeting, Universidad Interamericana, San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 8-10.
- (1981) La Educación superior a distancia en América Latina. Presented at the Seminar on Distance Higher Education between Developed and Developing Countries, Hägen, Germany, December 2-5.
- (1981) La educación a distancia frente a la formación y entrenamiento. Presented at the Seminario Iberoamericano sobre Diseño y Evaluación de Programas de Educación a Distancia, Santiago, Chile, November 16-20.
- (1981) Situación y perspectivas de la educación superior en América Latina. Presented at the VI Triennial Conference of the International Association of University Presidents, San José, Costa Rica, July 1.
- (1981) Mito y realidad de la educación a distancia. Presented at the IX Seminario de Tele-Educación Universitaria, San José, Costa Rica, March 16-19.
- (1980) Presente y pasado de la educación a distancia en América Latina. Presented at the IX Meeting of GULERPE, Brasilia, Brazil, December, 8-12.
- (1980) El papel del estudiante y la universidad. Keynote speech at the I Seminario Latinoamericano de Asuntos Estudiantiles, Barquisimeto, Venezuela, July 12-16.
- (1979) La investigación educativa en América Latina. Presented at the VIII Reunión del Grupo Universitario Latinoamericano para la Reforma y Perfeccionamiento de la Educación, Bogotá, Colombia, October 10-12.
- (1979) Transcultural Research of Stress and Anxiety: The Venezuelan Case. Presented at the XVII Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Lima, Peru, July, 1-6.
- (1979) The Experimental Analysis of Behavior as an Instrument of Change in Latin America. Presented at the XVII Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Lima, Peru, July, 1-6.
- (1979) El futuro de la psicología: La investigación y sus aplicaciones. Presented at the III Congreso Latinoamericano de Análisis y Modificación del Comportamiento, Bogotá, Colombia, June 30.
- (1978) La enseñanza de la psicología a nivel de Post-grado. Invited paper at the Institut für Psychologie der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany, November 6-10.
- (1978) The Statistical Methodology apply to Cross-Cultural Education. Invited lecturer at the School of Education of Pennsylvania State University, College Park, June.
- (1978) Transferencia de tecnología en educación a distancia. Presented at the Seminario Interamericano sobre Transferencia de Tecnología en Educación, Organization of American States, Viña del Mar, Chile, May 22-26.
- (1978) Experiencias en enseñanza programada a nivel superior. Presented at the Foro sobre Problemas Actuales de la Educación Superior, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, May 3.
- (1978) Metodología de evaluación de la educación a distancia. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society, Mexico City, March 14-18.
- (1977) Aprendizaje cultural. Presented at the I Congreso Latinoamericano de Análisis y Modificación del Comportamiento, Panamá, Panama City, December 14-17.
- (1977) La educación superior abierta y pautas para la cooperación internacional. Presented at the VI GULERPE Meeting, Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara, México, August 4-9.
- (1977) The Latin America Distance Education. Invited lecturer at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, May.
- (1976) Entrenamiento de los estudiantes de psicología en investigación transcultural. Presented at the XVI Interamerican Congress of Psychology, Miami, Florida, December. 12.
- (1976) La psicología social y sus campos de aplicación. Presented at the Seminario del Colegio de Psicólogos de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela, November, 25.
- (1976) Nuevas formas de aprendizaje: reto para el futuro. Keynote speech at the Latin American and Caribbean Meeting on New Forms of Post-Secondary Education, 9/20.
- (1976) New Forms of Education in Latin America. Invited lecturer at the Plato Control Data Computer System of the University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, May.
- (1976) Planning for Non-formal Education. Presented at the Seminar on Teaching-Learning Strategies and Educational Planning, International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris, March 8-12
- (1975) Obstacles to develop an Open University. Invited lecturer at the Open University of the United Kingdom, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, England, December 5.
- (1975) Metodologías de costos universitarios. Closing Conference at the Seminario Multinacional sobre Costos de la Educación Superior, Caracas, Venezuela, August 1.
- (1974) Evaluación de sistemas de educación superior. Presented at the III Reunión de Directores de Institutos Universitarios, Barquisimeto, Venezuela, July 20.
- (1974) Vinculación entre planificación y evaluación de la educación. Presented at the Encuentro Nacional para el Estudio de Problemas del Planeamiento de la Educación Superior, Caracas, Venezuela, June 28.
- (1973) Cross-Cultural Studies: Minority Education in U.S. Presented at the Annual Cross-Cultural Workshop of the Cross-Cultural Institute of Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado, August.
- (1973) Education, Language Development and Social Class. Presented at the II Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Queen?s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 6-10.
- (1973) A Comparison of Mexican-American and Latin American Student: A Cross-Cultural Study. Presented at the Annual Convention of The Comparative and International Education Society. San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A. March.
- (1972) A discussion of Takei´s Aspirations and Expectations of Youth: A case for the resolvement of two conflicting theoretical models of Social Class Values. Presented at the Annual Convention of The Comparative and International Education Society. Boston, U.S.A., March 19-21.
- (1969) Venezuelan Student Problems. Presented at the XII Interamerican Congress of Psychology. Montevideo, Uruguay, 32 pages.
- (1967) Responsabilidad de la orientación en el sistema universitario. Presented at the Primer Seminario Nacional de Orientación, Consejo Nacional de Universidades, Cumaná, Venezuela, May 7- 10.
- (1966) La Orientación y sus implicaciones para la educación. Presented at the II Congreso Pedagógico Venezolano, Maracaibo, Venezuela, November 21-25.
University Policies for Lifelong Education

Cognitive and Affective Dimensions and the Future of Education

The Mission of the University

UTB/TSC College of Education in 2010

A Debate on Distance Education

Keynote to the Fifth OEI Iberoamerican Congress
