Selection of academic and professional distinctions
Emeritus Professor at The University of Texas System, Board of Regents, Austin, Texas.
Houston Endowment Chair in Education from University of Texas at Brownsville and Houston Endowment.
Life Member Chair of the Argentinean National Academy of Interdisciplinary Knowledge, elected by the members of the Academy, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
UNESCO and United Nations University Honorary Chair on History and Future of the University, UNITWIN and UP Program Paris, France – Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Frost Professorship Award from Florida International University, College of Education. The Frost Professorship was established to honors faculty who distinguish themselves and inspire excellence over the past five years.
Member of the Board of Directors of the Comparative and International Education Society-CIES, elected by secret vote from the CIES members.
First Vice-President of the Latin American Group for the Improvement of Education (GULERPE) Elected by the General Conference for 15 consecutive years .
Teaching Award (in recognition of outstanding classroom teaching at the undergraduate /graduate level), presented by FIU and the State University System of Florida, Teaching Incentive Program.
Member of the Advisory Council of the American Regional Center of Higher Education -Cresalc- of UNESCO (A five member appointed council by the Director General).
Honorary Degree “Al Mérito Universitario”, highest academic recognition of the Universidad de Palermo of Buenos Aires, Argentina. (Awarded by the Faculty Council).
Honorary Presidency shared with the first woman astronaut, Valentine Tereshkova, of the Pushkin Foundation, a non-profit institution for cultural and scientific relations between Spain and Russia, Ministry of Culture.
Honorary Member of the Advisory Council of the International Biographical Centre of England.
Decoration Gran Cruz con Placa de Oro awarded by the Directive Council of the Latin American Association of New York.
Gold Medal of the Organization of Iberoamerican States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) awarded by the Assembly of Ministers of Education of Latin America and Spain.
Doctor and Professor “Honoris Causa” of the Universidad Federal do Maranhao of San Louis, Brazil.
Certificate of Merit for Distinguished Achievement and subject of commendation in the twelfth edition of Men of Achievement by IBC of Cambridge, England.
Second Vice-President of the Latin American Group for Improvement of Education (GULERPE) Elected by the Assembly at Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Decoration Andrés Bello, First Class Degree, the governmental highest cultural and scientific recognition awarded by the President of Venezuela.
Honorary Counselor of the Sociedad de Estudios de Educación, Tecnología y Comunicación, Barcelona, Spain (Elected by de General Assembly, September).
Medal of the Bicentennial Birth of Simón Bolívar awarded by the Director General of UNESCO.
Honorary Professor of the Universidad de Morón, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Honor Medal awarded by the Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Recinto Metropolitano, San Juan.
President of the Latin American Association of Analysis and Behavior Modification. Elected by its Members for two consecutive terms.
Academic Recognition Certificate from the Universidad Nacional Abierta at Venezuela.
General Secretary of the VIII Congress of the Latin American Educational Group (GULERPE), Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá , Colombia.
Decoration “Orden 27 de Junio” awarded by the President of Venezuela in recognition for contributing to Venezuelan education.
Profesor Visitante Distinguido of the Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara and Dirección General de Educación of Jalisco State, México.
Honor Medal awarded by the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, Spain for contributing to the development of the open higher education in Latin America.
President of the Latin American and Caribbean Congress on New Forms of Post-Secondary Education (LACFEP), attended by 2,000 scholars from all over the world at Caracas, Venezuela and co-sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank.
General Secretary of the First Multinational Congress on Financing of Higher Education, sponsored by the Organization of American States (OAS) at Caracas, Venezuela.
Delegate of the Venezuelan Government to the VI Congress of the Interamerican Council for Education, Science and Culture, Mexico City.
Doctoral Fellowship by the Ford Foundation and University of Nebraska.
Graduate Scholarship by the Venezuelan Government and Universidad de Oriente.
General Secretary of the First National Congress on Counseling, elected by the National Council of Universities, Cumaná, Venezuela.
The Federal University of Maranhão at San Louis, Brazil conferring the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to Miguel Angel Escotet for his contributions to PsychologyReceiving the “Decoration Andrés Bello, First Class Degree” from President of Venezuela Jaime Lusinchi, in a ceremony in Madrid at the headquarters of the Organization of Iberoamerican States (OEI).