Professional e-portfolio to comply with requirements of transparency and university accreditation standards

University change is inevitable. Progress and innovation is a choice

The future of universities is closely linked to their capacity to change and innovate and their internal coexistence. To remain in the same place, you must keep moving; otherwise, you will get left behind. However, higher education has shifted many times to and from positions based on individuals who learn and advance to corporate structures that […]

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Shared University Governance: Authoritarianism or Authority

A university culture centered on the student, not on the faculty or administration. The authority of governing is gained through the existence of levels of participation and cooperation in decision-making. The picture above shows the signature ceremony of the Magna Charta Universitatum signed in Piazza Maggiore at Bologna on September 18, 1988, by 388 Rectors of worldwide main […]

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«The school teacher should earn more and have better education than the university professor»

This not a standard interview but rather a master class on life and society from the educational, sociological and cultural prism. It’s an hour of conversation with a humanist. Interview by José Luis Jiménez, Diario ABC – Spain Behind his deep and serene tone of voice Miguel Ángel Escotet hides a life dedicated to university education and […]

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From Terminal Degrees In Higher Education To Lifelong Learning

The most relevant and controversial issue facing the university is one of its «raisons d’être»: formation, the teaching-learning process. The English word ‘formation’ – among other meanings – indicates ‘the act or process of forming’ or ‘the shaping or developing of something’. The word ‘formative’ means ‘having influence in forming or developing’. Similarly, I use the term […]

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The Aesthetic Dimension of Education and Learning

Science and art, as dimensions of creative thought, are universal in nature and develop to the full in freedom. Science stimulates the cognitive processes of the individual involved and art the emotions, but the cognitive and emotional elements coexist in both. Through science it is possible to experience aesthetic enjoyment, and with art it is […]

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