Professional e-portfolio to comply with requirements of transparency and university accreditation standards

University change is inevitable. Progress and innovation is a choice

The future of universities is closely linked to their capacity to change and innovate and their internal coexistence. To remain in the same place, you must keep moving; otherwise, you will get left behind. However, higher education has shifted many times to and from positions based on individuals who learn and advance to corporate structures that […]

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Educación afectiva: alas para el viaje del futuro

En cualquier examen del futuro, deberíamos preguntarnos antes que nada, no tanto hacia dónde va la educación, sino más bien hacia dónde debería ir. En el fondo debemos pensar en forma dialéctica entre el ser y el deber ser. Veamos a vuelo de pájaro dónde estamos y hacia dónde podríamos ir. Muy a pesar de […]

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The Academic and Administrative Ethnocentrism of the Contemporary University

Much of the crisis in the quality of university education has this dichotomy as its background: the crisis of the relationship between the person who teaches and the person who learns. A university where professors and students must foremost be lifelong learners; and where the study programs are designed, modified, and transmitted daily based on […]

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Learning Forever: Deconstructing Current Education

The education system will rediscover its true role of serving the individual, helping to educate people in mastering cognitive skills and the ability to think, developing a critical awareness of reality, developing affective domains, and cooperating with others around them. Information will no longer take pride of place in this system since it can be […]

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Alegoría del río: La necesidad de educar para el cambio permanente

Aprender para el futuro no sólo es estar al día, no sólo es acumular conocimientos, es aprender a cambiar, aprender a pensar, aprender a escuchar, aprender a cuidar, aprender a compartir, aprender a crecer, aprender a seguir aprendiendo, aprender a llegar al itinerario bajo del río de la vida, es aprender a morir. Es en […]

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El fuego de Prometeo y la antorcha del conocimiento

Un día los dogmas que siguen encadenando al ser humano se disolverán frente a una conciencia tan inundada de luz que será capaz de hacerse una con el sol, y esta conciencia arribará a esas playas ideales donde residen la dignidad y libertad humanas. Elisseus Elitis. Discurso de aceptación del Premio Nobel de Literatura 1979 […]

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Learning for Today and Beyond Tomorrow

We are at the very early stage of a major learning revolution and we are responsible for giving future generations a much better world of what we have today. It would be wrong to suggest that no progress has been made over the last twenty-five years in improving and extending school education throughout the world. […]

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From Terminal Degrees In Higher Education To Lifelong Learning

The most relevant and controversial issue facing the university is one of its «raisons d’être»: formation, the teaching-learning process. The English word ‘formation’ – among other meanings – indicates ‘the act or process of forming’ or ‘the shaping or developing of something’. The word ‘formative’ means ‘having influence in forming or developing’. Similarly, I use the term […]

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