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La violencia en la escuela estadounidense: déficit afectivo y ético

Para los jueces norteamericanos, los factores desencadenantes de delincuencia están por este orden: familias rotas, drogas, paro, chabolas y educación deficiente. En cambio, para la opinión pública estadounidense, la influencia de drogas, la falta de formación moral y la disponibilidad de armas son los elementos más resaltados de la delincuencia juvenil. La violencia en la […]

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Shared University Governance: Authoritarianism or Authority

A university culture centered on the student, not on the faculty or administration. The authority of governing is gained through the existence of levels of participation and cooperation in decision-making. The picture above shows the signature ceremony of the Magna Charta Universitatum signed in Piazza Maggiore at Bologna on September 18, 1988, by 388 Rectors of worldwide main […]

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The Psychological, Social and Cultural Nature of Education

Let me share with you on the International Day of Education some thoughtful ideas about the psychological, social, and cultural nature of education in a few paragraphs, extending them to education professionals, teachers, mentors and professors. How we should instill in their teaching profession the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that are related to the affective […]

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Is Higher Education Centered on the Student or the Faculty?

The backdrop to many university crises has been precisely these dichotomies: the crisis of the relationship between the individual who teaches and the individual who learns, between the member of the ‘academic ethos’ and the member of the ‘social ethos’ and also between the individual who teaches and the one who administers. The academic ethos […]

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El fuego de Prometeo y la antorcha del conocimiento

Un día los dogmas que siguen encadenando al ser humano se disolverán frente a una conciencia tan inundada de luz que será capaz de hacerse una con el sol, y esta conciencia arribará a esas playas ideales donde residen la dignidad y libertad humanas. Elisseus Elitis. Discurso de aceptación del Premio Nobel de Literatura 1979 […]

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What Do We Mean for Cross-Cultural Research in Psychology

The main purpose of cross-cultural research in psychology and education is the elaboration of general and specific objectives to the cultures involved without distorting an articulate common goal. Generalizations, very common in social disciplines, must be supported empirically to satisfy the external validity of the conclusion. The advantage of the cross-cultural approach as compared with the single […]

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Cambio, innovación y evaluación en la cultura universitaria

“Lo único constante es el cambio”, Heráclito de Efeso Los cambios son difíciles de producir si no existen los recursos financieros y tecnológicos, pero se adhieren obstáculos a ellos, cuando no existe la voluntad o cuando el pesimismo se adelanta a la acción, o cuando se producen cambios que responden más al capricho o la […]

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